Inktober 2017: Victorian Gothic

inktober collage

This year I thought I would give inktober a try. For those of you who don’t know, it’s a challenge on Instagram to produce one inked piece every day in October. I knew going in that there was NO WAY I’d finish 31 drawings. In the end, though, I did manage 8 large and ‘finished’ pieces, and 8 smaller sketches, which isn’t too bad!

I wanted to experiment with ink a bit more, and to attempt some more complete ‘compositions’, rather than just portraits. So, the goal was to include backgrounds/full bodies. I don’t really feel like I hit my stride until the very last piece, but still – a month to feel comfortable in a medium I don’t often use isn’t too bad!

Below are the more finished pieces:

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Painting Process!

I’ve been working in gouache lately, which requires a bit of a learning curve after using nothing but watercolors for a few years. To get the hang of it, I’ve been doing some small portraits.

For this one, I took a number of pictures during the drawing process, so I’ve made a progress gif. The first sketch for this painting was one of my WORST ever – I don’t know what was wrong, but I just couldn’t figure out the shape of her face. Luckily, I figured it out in the end.



And the finished piece:

slide 4

Experiments in Framing Small Paintings

I recently did a couple of tiny watecolor paintings, mostly so I could have the satisfaction of finishing something quickly. I was happy with how they turned out:



But then I was left with the problem of how to display such small pieces (2×2″, 3×5″, and 4×4″). So, I experimented with a couple of different options.

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